Find the latest MITS-related news, research, and event information.

Video available: MITS in Outbreak Investigations: A case study from Kenya
In this video created by the MITS Surveillance Alliance, pathologists Drs. Walong and Mbau and Ms. Maithya describe how Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling (MITS) was used to support local and national health officials during an 2023 outbreak investigation in Kakamega, Kenya.
Film credit: Alex Kamweru
Call for abstracts is open for the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Conference Open
The call for abstracts for the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference are due 17 April. Interested in presenting your MITS related research ~ learn more on the Call For Abstract page. Those submitting an abstract are encouraged to apply for an ASTMH travel award. You can learn more about eligibility and the application process here. The deadline to apply is 17 April 2024!

New Commentary Available on Cause of Death Determination in Stillbirths
Now available on Gates Open Research: An Approach to Determining the Most Common Causes of Stillbirth in low and middle-income countries: A commentary. The commentary reviews the most useful investigation approaches in cause of death determination in stillbirths in low to middle-income countries (LMICs), including minimally invasive tissue sampling.

Welcome to the New MITS Surveillance Alliance Website
Learn more about our new website and discover the latest information and tools about MITS. We have redesigned the site easy to navigate and easier to find what you need quickly, whether learning more about the benefits of MITS, reading about the latest research, or accessing the tools you need to implement MITS.

MITS Surveillance Alliance 2023 Meeting Announced
We are excited to announce the dates for the upcoming MITS Surveillance Alliance meeting, which will take place Wednesday, October 4, and Thursday, October 5, 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya. Please hold the week of October 2-6. Further details to come.
We look forward to gathering and meeting everyone in person!

New Research on MITS in Cause of Death Approaches
New research published this month assesses community acceptability and determinants in MITS implementation in children in Mozambique. This countrywide Mortality Surveillance for Action project provides a quality assessment of community acceptability in MITS implementation in Quelimane City, Mozambique.

MITS Surveillance Alliance Announces Site Selection for Three-Year Grant Awards
The MITS Surveillance Alliance (MITS Alliance) has awarded five grants to new surveillance sites that support the integration of the Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling (MITS) approach into existing mortality surveillance site systems. Read more here.

MITS Mortality Surveillance Program Awards - Request for Proposals Available
The MITS Surveillance Alliance Secretariat has released a solicitation for Request for Proposals (RFP) to select MITS Surveillance Program sites. The initiative will focus on identifying up to five surveillance sites that will incorporate MITS into existing mortality surveillance programs. The RFP is available for download here.

MITS Alliance Supported Journal Supplement in Clinical Infectious Diseases Available
The journal supplement is a collection of methods, case studies, and findings from studies using MITS that was made possible from contributions from partners, members, and funding support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Get the full PDF.